Sunday, June 19, 2011

Start From Scratch.. Or Not!

Yeah, I am back and I shall write.

I have been busy as hell the past one year dealing with a really 'professional' student life offered by the institute I am currently enrolled in. Yet again and like every other year, I pray I pass gracefully or, with grace marks.. whichever suits the teachers.

I have also shut down my Facebook page in order to flee from difficult folks, useless communication with unimportant people and updates that form the basis of a compelling today.

Last year was spent staying up nights finishing assignments, creating a really bad impression on a particular teacher (who is to decide my fate from the coming year) and traveling Bombay in local trains. The last year was also particularly happening for me because it was the first time I was away from my place for such a long time.. away from my parents, being independent. God, it sucks when stuff doesn't come ready-made. Seriously.
Also, I read a sufficient amount of books.. most of which I came to know through this bookslut and I do not bear a certain sense of pride when I say this but I am the kid who read the most number of books in my college. The reason why I am not proud of this apparent achievement is because design students don't read much at all and those who say they do.. well, they just say they do.

A formal list shall be put up as a separate post one of these days.

Home is good. For one, I get edible food to eat and two, I literally do whatever it is that I want to do.. which is not much considering I continue to be the lazy fuck I have always been.

I watch more T.V. than I read. I read more than I sleep. I sleep more than ever. So yeah, twenty-fours time makes for an insufficient day.

The coming semester is going to be a new pain in the ass. I am supposed to work with:
1. various design software
2. uncompromising models
3. judgmental teachers
4. ignorant working partners
5. surprising flat-mates
6. a new laptop
7. an epic camera.. hopefully
8. a back-ache
..if I said any further, I'd just be trying too hard to reach for a perfect 10.

Anyway, there are movies waiting to be seen, books willing to be read and a bed waiting to be slept on.

Yeah, I am back and I shall write.. later.


  1. And Bejin Hakumei goes to sleep again!

  2. When I say I am going to write again, it doesn't imply I am going to write everyday. I mean, who is gonna watch T.V. if I keep spamming my blogger!?
    I am a busy person.

    (^ Beating around the bush not accepting the allegations are true.)

  3. welcome back to lucknow ... even am scared my college starts in a week whole new life ahead

  4. I had a minor heart attack when I randomly came across your back-to-blogging post =P i like activity on your blog =P

  5. Your writing is naturally awesome ... I like reading it ...
