Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ballerina Blackouts

Ballerina Blackouts is the name of my own comic strip.

*junta claps*

I haven't given much thought to it though.

*junta loses interest*

But! But, I do have a clue!

*junta listens*

The idea is to create a 16 year old girl, facing everyday shit while struggling with her hormonal changes and new-found interests. This will be her tale wherein she will portray a rather weak character of an uninteresting person. She'll be the kinds who try and often fail but never really give in. The kinds who are a loser in almost every way and the kinds who often end up taking advise from their friends. She might occasionally get witty and be appreciated by the fellow characters.
The characters' name have still not been decided.
The confusion is because Indian names somehow suck when it comes to all this and well, Western names are not what I am looking for. One way is to chuck both Hindi and English and seek refuge in the ultra cool Japanese language but that option is ruled out because half of you won't appreciate it. So then the name deciding is left for later.

In the beginning, the strip will be uploaded randomly but after getting the Photogenic Devil and a few others to beg for it, I might as well make it weekly.

This is what it might look like, in all probability.

PS: If this continues, I might create a new label!


  1. It might have 'sounded' like a fart party rip off,but it definitely doesn't 'read' like one. :P

    Nice,really nice. xD

  2. excuse me --- i dont beg !!!


    god ur doing so much creative stuff --- i am jeaous---
    fine im beggin make it weekly

  3. @Rishi: Well, Fart Party could be taken as an inspiration!
    For one, Julia Wertz's artwork sucks.
    Secondly, it's hardly innovative.
    And lastly, it ends up being read by cool people like you and me.

    But factually, I wanted to do a comic strip since eleventh grade. I have in fact been at stuff off and on. Let's just say joblessness inspired me to make all of it public enough.
    Also, I would like to point out the fact that the lead character of Ballerina Blackouts is nothing like Wertz.
    She's a loser... mostly because she doesn't give up.
    (Personally, I think giving up is quite cool XD).
    Julia on the other hand is just different. And too (un)cool.

    @Photogenic Devil: *clears throat* *sings*

    'jaise ho, waise rehna
    tumse bas, yahi kehna
    kehna hai tumse, ayye mere yaar
    I love you for what you are!

    Ayyi-Ayyi, BaBy!'


    And cool, will try to be regular with this shit.
    Thank you.

  4. AWWWW BABY!!!
    Come here come here now!

    That's so totally cool stuff up there!
    ...makes you even more the cooler wannabe amongst all those I know, my noble snarling self included.

    PS: Keep it coming. Might just become the first ever comic strip I read online.

  5. I wanted to make one too...since school...all the one liners I've come up with in all these years...would be a nice way to use em...darn if only I could remember some...

    PS : The sample strip sucked...my expression was exactly like that of the lady in the last panel...
    O_O WTF?

    but looking forward to it if there's something better you have to offer...

  6. @YUME: Hmm. Will try to improve on it.. just maybe!

    @Anant: I see! I think I'll have to stop with it then.

  7. Anant ... you suck if you don't readcomics .. they're heights of art.
